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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hitting the refresh button..

Never knew this day would's a bit too soon perhaps? naaahhh..nothing is too early when you think it's not, regardless of what other people think..You just need to believe in yourself..

The decision to resigned from my current position came when I realised the need to feel good..the need to feel satisfied at the end of the day..the need to need more...hhmmmpphh..I'm becoming complacent..taking things lightly and bored.coupled with the "people" i have to deal days could be better..and the worst part is, i need to drag my feet to the office every single day..I'm tired of it! it is such a torment to me..this has to stop..i need to relive myself, i need to keep the spirit the job hunt began..

Alhamdulillah, I got few good offers and had finally decided (trust me, it is very very very hard to decide)...I will start tomorrow..Hopefully, things are better there...Pls pray for me! Goodnight peeps!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



which diet suits me best? vege and fruits only? protein only? let us see..there are many many many types of diet in this name a few (the popular ones) atkins diet, blood type diet, juice diet, low GI diet, Vegan diet and the latest we heard, Dukan's diet, thanks to Kate's mom! hahaha..I've tried sum of this before but non worked! lasted for a few days before i turned into this monster eating everything that ever crossed my eyes (okay2..over sket)..i felt sooooo hungry..i was starving!

So i quit trying...but forever complaining..hahah! I realised that the way to go is through balanced diet and exercise..yeah, it's hard and painful...I am still trying and thus, no results yet..frustrating at times..sigh..

Now, let us see what is balanced diet..

A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development. In other words, choosing a wide variety of foods and drinks from all the food groups. It also means eating certain things in moderation, namely saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, refined sugar, salt and alcohol. The goal is to take in nutrients you need for health at the recommended levels (see the food pyramid).

Coupled with exercises (30 mins a day), we can maintain/improve our overall health. To lose weight however, we also need to monitor our calorie intake per day.there are many websites that offer calorie calculator and other lose weight you just need to cut your calorie intake but not to extreme as it can deteriorate your health.

How about cosmetic surgery to get rid of fats? I am never against it nor i am supporting it. It depends on individuals. Every individual wants to look good..Nothing wrong with that. But it's important for it to be under the supervision of a qualified doctor. Do some research and think about it thoroughly.. =)

At the end of the day, it is important to choose an eating plan that you can live with. Remember that many people tend to regain lost weight. Eating a healthful and nutritious diet to maintain your new weight, combined with regular physical activity, helps to prevent weight regain.

It's been a while....


It's been a while since i last post anything in my blog..reason for my disappearance? hmm..let just say that I'm closing one chapter of my life and opens another...heheh..i finally got a job offer and I've accepted it. I resigned from my current position and thus, the past month was merely finishing up my work and cleaning up..busy busy busy!!

so now, I'm finishing up my leave! yeay!! happily resting and lazing up my life! hahaha! woke up early only for my subuh and continue to sleep till 11am...heaven right?! gonna start my new work end of this month..I'm quite nervous..don't know what to expect...hopefully it's better than the previous one..fingers crossed!